“B” Post Offices in Missouri


County seats are displayed in UPPER CASE. Note: Information about zip codes, territorials, markings, etc. have been moved to detail pages for places that have links.
Post OfficeCountyDates of Service
Babbtown Osage 1878-1906
Bachelor Callaway 1875-1959
Bacon Vernon 1881-1882
Bacon Moniteau 1890-1907
Baden Saint Louis 1860-1885
Baden Laclede 1894-1899
Bado Texas 1883-1953
Bagdad Lafayette 1850-1857
Bagnell Miller 1884-1942
Bahner Pettis 1882-1894, 1901-1907
Bailey Pulaski 1884-1914
Bailey’s Creek Osage 1844-1907
Bailey’s Landing Lincoln 1833-1835, 1838-1845
Bainbridge Cape Girardeau 1821-1835
Bainbridge Clinton 1870-1905
Bairdstown Sullivan 1858-1884, 1893-1903
Baker Saint Clair 1869-1919
Baker Henry 1883-1884
Bakers Grove Barton 1858-1863, 1867-1880
Bakersfield Ozark 1885-Present
Bakersville Ozark 1873-1877
Baladan Mc Donald 1872-1881
Bald Knob Taney 1854-1860, 1870-1871, 1873
Baldridge Pulaski 1885-1901
Baldridge Texas 1911-1926
Baldwinsville Scott 1832-1849
Baliley’s Station Jefferson 1861, 1864
Ball Point Dallas 1849-1850
Ballard Bates 1884-1907
Ballinger’s Wayne 1821
Ballwin Saint Louis 1866-1902, 1904-Present
Balm Cedar 1885-1910
Balmoral Dade 1887
Bals Lincoln 1881-1907
Bancroft Daviess 1867-1901
Bandyville Oregon 1872-1874, 1890-1908
Bangert Dent 1902-1951
Banks Holt 1884
Banner Camden 1907
Banner Iron 1924-1956
Bannister Camden 1893-1897, 1899-1916
Banta Grundy 1881-1882
Banty Jasper 1885-1890
Barber Creek Putnam 1863-1865
Bardley Ripley 1895-1966
Barfield Ripley 1883-1892
Barger Linn 1898-1901
Baring Knox 1888-Present
Barkersville Callaway 1876-1897
Barks Perry 1899-1919
Barnard Nodaway 1871-Present
Barnes Cross Roads Nodaway 1879
Barnes Ridge New Madrid 1879-1881
Barnesview Lewis 1835-1840
Barnesville Clinton 1860-1872
Barnesville Macon 1878-1904
Barnett Morgan 1880-Present
Barnetts Station Maries 1855-1858
Barnettsville Morgan 1875-1880
Barney Dent 1879-1894
Barneyville Audrain 1876-1877
Barnhart Jefferson 1905-Present
Barnumton Camden 1867-1956
Barren Carter 1887-1932
Barrens Ste. Genevieve 1820-1821
Barrens Perry 1821-1828E
Barretts Station Saint Louis 1856-1874, 1890-1892
Barroll Cape Girardeau 1892-1902
Barry Clay 1834-1906
Barry Court House Barry 1845
Barryville Macon 1872-1899
Bartlett Shannon 1888-1941
Bartlett Springs Pulaski 1915-1919
Bartold Saint Louis 1873-1901
Barton Barton 1869-1880
Baryties Washington 1893-1931
Basher Douglas 1907-1920
Basin Knob Johnson 1848-1863
Bass Greene 1883-1884
Bass Cole 1890-1913
Bass’ Callaway 1829-1830
Bassville Greene 1901-1905
Bates City Lafayette 1879-Present
Batesville Bates 1841-1848
Batesville Butler 1902-1910
Batesville Butler 1902-1910
Bath Laclede 1887-1908
Battertons Mill Butler 1877-1878
Battlefield Greene 1908-1940
Battsville Carroll 1872-1873, 1877-1888
Bauff Taney 1858-1863, 1867-1868, 1871-1879, 1884-1886
Baum’s Mills Carroll 1857-1868, 1880
Baur Gasconade 1890-1893
Baxter Stone 1887-1940
Baxter Mines Newton 1877-1879
Bay Gasconade 1860-1963
Bay Springs Reynolds 1914-1915
Bayfield De Kalb 1886-1917
Bayouville New Madrid 1900-1930
Beach Cedar 1897-1906
Beach Webster 1897-1906
Beache Saline Cole 1840-1842
Beal Shannon 1922-1932
Beam Lake Platte 1892-1895
Beaman Pettis 1878-1955
Bear Branch Linn 1871-1887
Bear Creek Cedar 1847-1894
Bear Creek Station Marion 1858-1863
Bearcreek Cedar 1894-1957
Beatrice Carroll 1885-1888
Beatyville Adair 1858-1863
Beaufort Franklin 1849-Present
Beauvais Ste. Genevieve 1841-1842
Beaver Douglas 1867-1910
Beaver Creek Taney 1847-1957
Beaver Dam Wayne 1834-1836
Beaver Spring Mc Donald 1857-1867
Beaver Valley Phelps 1873-1875, 1882-1885
Beaverdam Ripley 1895-1897
Bebra Morgan 1882-1910
Beck Jefferson 1900-1905
Becker Franklin 1892-1898, 1922-1943
Beckville Saint Louis 1873-1883
Bedford Livingston 1858-1931
Bedison Nodaway 1889-1942
Bee Cape Girardeau 1884-1903
Bee Branch Pettis 1851-1853
Bee Creek Taney 1871-1873
Bee Creek Mills Platte 1840-1849
Bee Fork Reynolds 1874-1895
Bee Hive Clinton 1848-1861
Bee Ridge Knox 1851-1862, 1866-1876
Beech Dunklin 1855-1870
Beechwood Cape Girardeau 1894-1895
Beefork Reynolds 1895-1914
Beemont Franklin 1878-1915
Beersheba Montgomery 1887-1894
Belcher Butler 1889-1906
Belews Creek Jefferson 1856-1865, 1867-1905
Belfast Newton 1889-1901
Belgique Perry 1889-1971
Belgrade Washington 1867-Present
Bell Air Cooper 1864-1906
Bell City Stoddard 1890-Present
Bell Prairie Lewis 1854-1855
Bell’s Mill Bates 1875-1876
Bellair Cooper 1849-1864
Bellamy Vernon 1883-1907
Belle Osage 1878-1895, 1900-1901
Belle Maries 1895-1900, 1901-Present
Belle Grove Saint Louis 1847-1849
Belle Plain Cass 1875-1876
Bellefontaine Saint Louis 1826-1832, 1869-1907
Bellefonte Pulaski 1840-1854, 1868-1869, 1871-1922
Bellefonte Laclede 1854-1858
Bellemonte Saint Louis 1851-1869
Belleplain Clark 1842-1845
Belleview Iron 1860-Present
Belleville Montgomery 1875-1910
Bellflower Montgomery 1887-Present
Belmont Mississippi 1869-1923
Belmont Landing Mississippi 1867-1868
Beloit Barton 1881-1891
Belton Cass 1872-Present
Belvoir Vernon 1870-1872
Bem Gasconade 1856-1862, 1876-1934
Benbow Marion 1865-1906
Bend Texas 1874-1886
Bend Maries 1900-1917
Bendavis Texas 1907-2002
Beneta Clark 1855-1861
Bengal Christian 1897-1918
Benjamin Lewis 1869-1877, 1879-1926
Benners Ozark 1898-1910
Bennett Ripley 1878-1955
Bennett Springs Laclede 1939-1966
Bennington Webster 1899-1905
Bensborough Camden 1844-1848
Benson Linn 1897-1906
Bentleyville Jasper 1873-1876
BENTON Scott 1823-1864, 1867-Present
Benton Benton 1835-1839
Benton City Audrain 1869-Present
Benton Creek Dent 1873-1876
Benton Prairie Laclede 1873-1876
Benton Prairie Camden 1876
Bentonville Benton 1890-1954
Berger Franklin 1856-Present
Berkeley Saline 1882-1886
Berkeley Saint Louis 1938-1950, UNK-Present
Berlin Lafayette 1857-1859
Berlin Gentry 1874-1906
Berlin Cape Girardeau 1882
Berlin Iron 1914
Berming Buchanan 1844-1847
Bernheimer Warren 1893-1895, 1897-1945
Bernie Stoddard 1889-Present
Berryman Iron 1884-1885
Berryman Crawford 1886-Present
Berryville Pettis 1867-1868
Bert Maries 1893-1899
Bertha Pettis 1895-1896
Bertha Douglas 1903-1956
Berthasville Randolph 1883-1894
Berthold Ripley 1912-1914
Bertrand Mississippi 1874-Present
Berwick Newton 1892-1908
Bessville Bollinger 1856-1864, 1871-1955
Best Bottom Montgomery 1875-1895
Bethany Clay 1844-1848
BETHANY Harrison 1850-Present
Bethel Shelby 1848-Present
Bethelehem Montgomery 1880-1901
Bethesda Greene 1880-1884
Bethpage Harrison 1846-1850
Bethpage Mc Donald 1858-1863, 1868-1910
Beulah Phelps 1886-Present
Beverley Macon 1870-1889
Beverley Bates 1888-1893
Beverly Platte 1946-1960
Beverly Station Platte 1870, 1874-1946
Bevier Macon 1858-1860, 1863-Present
Bex Linn 1881-1882
Bible Grove Scotland 1858-1895
Bidwell Laclede 1895-1915
Biehle Perry 1867-1957
Big Beaver Taney 1856-1859
Big Berger Franklin 1876
Big Blue Jackson 1834-1842
Big Cedar Jackson 1847-1864
Big Creek Johnson 1838-1864
Big Creek Texas 1867-1909
Big Lick Howell 1877-1879
Big Piney Pulaski 1881-1972
Big River Mills Saint Francois 1825-1864, 1866-1889
Big Rock Wayne 1912-1915
Big Shawnee Cape Girardeau 1811-UNK
Big Spring Montgomery 1830-1906
Big Tavern Miller 1861-1863
Bigbee Callaway 1872-1874
Bigelow Holt 1869-1992
Biggs Douglas 1893-1920
Billings Barry 1870-1871
Billings Christian 1871-Present
Billingsville Cooper 1871-1875, 1890-1942
Billiopsville Scotland 1859-1860
Billmore Oregon 1885-1906
Bingham Carroll 1894-1901
Birch Pond Crawford 1844-1848, 1850-1851
Birch Pond Dent 1851-1853
Birch Tree Oregon 1858-UNK
Birch Tree Shannon UNK-1867, 1869-Present
Bird Point Mississippi 1893-1913
Bird’s Perry 1821
Birda Ozark 1911-1916
Birdie Washington 1894-1900
Birds Point Mississippi 1859-1863
Birdseye Sullivan ??
Birdseye Ridge Sullivan 1865-1869, 1876-1880
Birdsong Saint Clair 1905-UNK, 1918-1929
Birdsville Mississippi 1854-1859, 1863-1868, 1873
Birming Buchanan 1852-1861
Birmingham Clay 1888-1956
Bishop Greene 1891-1901
Bishop’s Store Benton 1858-1864, 1867-1868, 1879-1881
Bishops Christian 1888-1890
Bismark Saint Francois 1868-Present
Bissell Saint Louis 1895
Bixby Wayne 1882-1883
Bixby Iron 1906-1952, UNK-Present
Black Reynolds 1883-Present
Black Hawk Holt 1851-1852
Black Jack Saint Louis 1872-1902, 1904-1906
Black Oak Caldwell 1868-1904
Black Oak Point Hickory 1850-1881
Black River Butler 1857-1858
Black River Exchange Saint Francois 1857
Black River Exchange Washington 1857
Black Walnut Saint Charles 1875-1908
Black Water Lafayette 1834-1837
Blackbird Putnam 1892-1907
Blackburn Saline 1878-Present
Blackman’s Mills Camden 1890-1891
Blackmer Miller 1891-1912
Blacksnake Hills Buchanan 1840-1843
Blackwater Johnson 1839-1845
Blackwater Cooper 1873-1874, 1877-Present
Blackwell Macon 1872
Blackwell Saint Francois 1885-2004
Blackwells Station Saint Francois 1858-1885
Blaine Vernon 1884-1888
Blaine Benton 1891-1893
Blair Lincoln 1896-1902
Blair’s Creek Shannon 1860-1863
Blairstown Henry 1886-Present
Blairsville Saint Francois 1858-1860, 1866-1869, 1896-1958
Blanche Lafayette 1851-1857
Blanche Douglas 1896-1958
Bland Gasconade 1877-Present
Bland Hickory Camden 1878-1879
Blanket Grove Adair 1862-1867
Bleak Knob Linn 1874-1877
Bleda Scott 1892-1916
Bledsoe Hickory 1852-1867
Blendsville Jasper 1890-1900
Blish’s Mills Franklin 1850-1855
Bliss Miller 1868, 1870-1876
Bliss Washington 1899-1943
Blockville Pike 1871
Blodgett Scott 1870-Present
Blomoyer Cape Girardeau 1900-1909
Bloodland Pulaski 1898-1941
Bloom Garden Maries 1856-1861, 1863-1865
Bloomfield Ray 1820-1821
BLOOMFIELD Stoddard 1836-Present
Blooming Rose Texas 1856-1863, 1866-1868, 1868-UNK
Blooming Rose Phelps UNK-1955
Bloomington Macon 1838-1904
Bloomsdale Ste. Genevieve 1870-Present
Blosser Saline 1891-1911
Blue Mill Jackson 1835-1836, 1860, 1865-1895
Blue Eagle Clay 1866-1887
Blue Eye Stone 1870-1874, 1876-1883, 1885-Present
Blue Lick Saline 1890-1934
Blue Mills Landing Jackson 1860
Blue Mound Livingston 1843-1848, 1868-1875, 1878-1908
Blue Ridge Harrison 1856-1860, 1863, 1865-1908
Blue Springs Jackson 1848-1864, 1867-Present
Bluff Holt 1846-1850
Bluff Texas 1860-1869
Bluff Taney 1893-1933
Bluff City Livingston 1870-1872
Bluff City Saint Charles 1888
Bluff Grove Grundy 1840-1842
Bluff Point Holt 1846-1847
Bluff Port Howard 1836-1839, 1900-1906
Bluff Spring Johnson 1848-1857
Bluffton Ray 1820-1830E
Bluffton Saint Charles 1846
Bluffton Montgomery 1867-1966
Blunt Washington 1903-1911
Blush Madison 1898-1904
Bly Howell 1887-1923
Blythedale Harrison 1880-Present
Blytheville Newton 1840-1843
Blytheville Jasper 1843-1871
Blyze Miller 1900-1904
Boaz Osage 1853-1859
Boaz Christian 1893-1914
Bobrige Pulaski 1882-1885
Bobring Saint Louis 1881-1901
Bobtail New Madrid 1879-1880
Bockerton New Madrid 1905-1918
Boeger’s Store Osage 1871-1897
Boegers Osage 1897
Boeschenville Benton 1875-1900
Boeuf Creek Franklin 1857-1915
Bogard Henry 1871-1875
Bogard Carroll 1884-Present
Bogard Mound Carroll 1872-1884
Bois Brule Perry 1821-1827E, 1869-1902
Bois D’Arc Greene 1868-Present
Bolckow Andrew 1869-Present
Boles Franklin 1864-1939
Bolivar Ste. Genevieve 1828-1832
BOLIVAR Polk 1836-Present
Bolivia Ste. Genevieve 1832-1840
Bollinger Mills Bollinger 1877-1890
Bollingers Creek Camden 1861
Bolton Harrison 1858-1861, 1866-1903
Bon Tear Washington 1868
Bona Dade 1892-1911
Bonanza Caldwell 1881-1903
Bonds Mines Morgan 1872-1879
Bonfils Saint Louis 1894-1914
Bonfils Station Saint Louis 1867-1894
Bonhomme Saint Louis 1851-1895
Bonne Terre Saint Francois 1876-Present
Bonnot’s Osage 1857-1869
Bonnot’s Mill Osage 1892-Present
Bontear Saint Francois 1868-1876
Booker Wright 1911-1914
Boomer Linn 1883-1953
Boone Franklin 1851-1863, 1898-1907
Boones Lick Howard 1851-1863
Boones Mill Newton 1843
Boonesboro(ugh) Howard 1871-1953
Boonsboro Boone 1839-1850
Boonton Boone 1829-1836
BOONVILLE Cooper 1825-Present
Booth Pike 1884-1885
Booth Dallas 1899-1900
Border Newton 1874-1876
Borland Lafayette 1894-1899
Borth Ripley 1886-1888
Boschertown Saint Charles 1879-1881
Bosh Mercer 1881-1883
Boss Dent 1901-Present
Bosscia Franklin 1837-1840
Boston Andrew 1850-1854, 1856-1859
Boston Christian 1876-1888
Boston Barton 1891-1971
Bosworth Carroll 1888-Present
Bottsville Linn 1860-1869
Bound Grove Jackson 1837-1838
Bounds Wayne 1877-1880, 1886-1920, 1921-1935
Bourbois Gasconade 1895-1901
Bourbon Crawford 1853-Present
Bourbonton Boone 1849-1857
Bournsburgh Randolph 1838-1842
Bowdry Carroll 1899-1905
Bowen Johnson 1907-1923
Bower City Carroll 1871-1872
Bower Mills Lawrence 1892-1924
Bowers Mill Lawrence 1924-1934
Bowers Mills Lawrence 1847-1892
Bowling Brook Ste. Genevieve 1868-1871
BOWLING GREEN Pike 1824-Present
Bowman Cape Girardeau 1905-1911
Bowoark Greene 1847-1863, 1867-1868
Box Phelps 1892-1894
Box Ripley 1895-1899
Box Dent ?
Boxford De Kalb 1854-1860, 1868-1875, 1879-1902
Boyd Dallas 1864-1887
Boyd Webster 1887
Boyd’s Store Polk 1838-1842
Boydsville Callaway 1858-1861, 1864-1869, 1894-1906
Boyer Washington 1858-1862
Boyer Wright 1884-1909
Boyers Mill Crawford 1878-1880
Boyers Settlement Buchanan 1844-1855
Boyler’s Mill Benton 1852-1874
Boyler’s Mill Morgan 1874-1922
Boyler’s Mill Morgan 1874-1922
Boyleston Saint Clair 1870-1877
Boynton Sullivan 1876-1953
Bracken Webster 1877-1906
Bradfield Laclede 1884-1886
Bradfield Stone 1891-1903
Bradley Carroll 1885-1888
Bradleyville Taney 1861-1863, 1867-1870, 1872-Present
Brady Oregon 1900-1907
Brady Madison 1911
Bragg City Pemiscot 1917-Present
Braggadocio Pemiscot 1881-Present
Brame Carter 1904-1905
Branch Camden 1899-1968
Branchville Linn 1871-1873
Brandon Benton 1833-1908
Brandsville Howell 1883-Present
Brandt’s Rock Spring Warren 1855-1866
Brandy Hill Morgan 1878-1880
Brannumsburgh Butler 1858-1861
Branson Taney 1882-1901, 1904-Present
Brantford Ralls 1887-1891
Branum Dunklin 1901, 1903-1909
Brashear Adair 1873-Present
Braswell Oregon 1894-1915
Brauersville Benton 1879-1898
Brawley Oregon 1890-1902, 1904-1914
Braymer Caldwell 1887-Present
Brays Miller 1894-1923
Brazeau Perry 1879-Present
Brazil Washington 1889-1955
Brazito Cole 1856-1930
Breckenridge Jasper 1856-1860
Breckenridge Caldwell 1860-Present
Breeze Jasper 1884-1903
Bremen Saint Louis 1850-1856
Bremen Ste. Genevieve 1892-1894
Brest Jasper 1880-1904
Brevator Lincoln 1880-1932
Brewer Perry 1884-1914
Brian Dunklin 1910-1926
Briar Ripley 1936-2004
Briar Creek Ripley 1879-1936
Brice Dallas 1899-1900
Brice Laclede 1900-1939
Bricefield Barry 1893-1900
Brickeys Ste. Genevieve 1906-1953
Bridge Creek Carroll 1870-1884
Bridge Creek Ozark 1876
Bridgeport Warren 1833-1847, 1867-1893
Bridgeport Cooper 1860-1864
Bridges Stoddard 1900-1907
Bridgeton Saint Louis 1843-1958
Bridgewater Nodaway 1871-1877
Bright Laclede 1893-1895
Brighton Polk 1852-Present
Brimson Grundy 1901-1978
Brinktown Maries 1903-Present
Briscoe Lincoln 1882-1959
Bristleridge Johnson 1895-1904
Bristol Webster 1856-1861, 1866-1869
Bristol Jackson 1888-1891
Bristow Vernon 1897-1901
Brittains Pulaski 1869-1870
Brittian Dallas 1903-1907
Brixey Ozark 1917-Present
Broadland Lafayette 1892-1898
Broadwater New Madrid 1904-1917
Broadway Maries 1898-1921
Brock Scotland 1889-1904
Brockman Miller 1891-1892
Bronaugh Vernon 1886-Present
Brookfield Linn 1860-Present
Brooklin Clark 1850-1853
Brookline Station Greene 1871-Present
Brooklyn Harrison 1868-1908
Brookville Marion 1840-1862
Broseley Butler 1913-Present
Brosley Cass 1869-1892
Brotherton Saint Louis 1866-1881
Brouses Bend Miller 1902-1904
Browington Henry 1884-1974
Brown Cedar 1858-1866
Brown Sullivan 1898-1903
Brown Branch Taney 1875-1895
Brown’s Harrison 1857-1858
Brownbranch Taney 1895-1962
Brownfield Pulaski 1899-1930
Brownfield Laclede 1930-1955
Browning Linn 1873-Present
Brownings Ferry Henry 1853-1863, 1866-1869
Browns Landing Perry 1838-1840
Browns Spring Stone 1912-1939
Browns Station Boone 1875-1957
Brownsdale Daviess 1891-1906
Brownsville Saline 1840-1887
Brownwood Stoddard 1882-Present
Brule Iron 1898-1917
Brumley Miller 1863-Present
Brundt Madison 1858-UNK
Bruner Christian 1895-Present
Brunot Wayne ?-1957
Brunswick Chariton 1836-Present
Brush Mercer 1875-1880
Brush College Vernon 1878-1884
Brush Creek Laclede 1852-1861, 1863-1875, 1903-1955
Brushy Shannon 1930-1950
Brushyknob Douglas 1903-1967
Brussells Lincoln 1876-1907
Bryan Saline 1843-1862, 1871-1872
Bryant Douglas 1888-1941
Bryson Pike 1897-1901
Buchanan Bollinger 1857-1940
Buck Branch Jasper 1870-1872
Buck Horn Oregon 1879-1881
Buck Prairie Barry 1841-1848
Buck Prairie Lawrence 1848-1853
Buck Snort Christian 1860-1868
Buckeye Jasper 1873-1878
Buckeye Mississippi 1895-1919
Buckeye City Shannon 1874-1876
Buckhart Douglas 1884-1957
Buckhorn Madison 1901-1959
Buckley Greene 1884-1904
Bucklin Linn 1860-Present
Buckner Jackson 1876-Present
Bucoda Dunklin 1917-1930
Bucyrus Texas 1898-Present
Bud Warren 1880-1893
Budapest Ripley 1912-1922
Buell Montgomery 1904-1978
Buena Vista Platte 1847-1856
Buff Benton 1912-1922
Buffalo Polk 1840-1842
Buffalo Niangua 1842-1846
BUFFALO Dallas 1846-Present
Buffalo City Ray 1838
Buffalo Knob Pike 1831-1841
Buffington Stoddard 1877-1905
Buhlsville Gentry 1869-1874
Buick Iron 1918-1955
Bula Linn 1883-1885
Bull Mills Taney 1840-1841, 1850-1852, 1857-1863
Bull Mills Christian 1867-1874
Bullion Adair 1882-1904
Bunceton Cooper 1868-Present
Buncombe Ray 1838
Buncombe Pettis 1862-1873
Bunker Webster 1871-1873
Bunker Reynolds 1907-Present
Bunker Hill Lewis 1855-1869, 1871-1904
Burbank Wayne 1908-1954
Burbois Gasconade 1870-1895
Burch Newton 1904
Burch Wayne 1908-1938
Burdett Bates 1870-1904
Burfordville Cape Girardeau 1869-Present
Burg Bollinger 1908-1911
Burges Holt 1874-1875
Burgundy Iron 1894-1907
Burk Howell 1881-1887
Burksville Shelby 1892-1907
Burlington Boone 1866-1902
Burlington Junction Nodaway 1879-Present
Burnett Station Johnson 1872-1882
Burnham Howell 1883-1951
Burr Ripley 1898-1920
Burr Oak Mercer 1850-1856, 1862-1867
Burr Oak Harrison 1869-1873
Burr Oak Lincoln 1899-1905
Burr Oak Valley Lincoln 1875-1895
Burroak Lincoln 1895-1899
Burrows Bates 1891-1892
Burt Head Taney 1880
Burton Howard 1873-1907, 1912-1935
Burtville Johnson 1892-1904
Busch Pike 1886-1895, 1898-1948
Bushberg Jefferson 1868-1904
Bushnell Barton 1888-1901
Busscombe Franklin 1842-1844
Bute Sullivan 1894-1905
Butler Vernon 1853-UNK
BUTLER Bates UNK-1863
Butler’s Creek Mc Donald 1854-1856
Butterfield Barry 1882-1967
Butts Crawford 1902-1954
Buttsville Grundy 1855-1902
Byberry Cooper 1890-1914
Byler’s Mill Morgan 1847-1851
Byngs Mississippi 1890-1895
Bynumsville Chariton 1854-1863, 1863-1967
Byrd Cape Girardeau 1875, 1879
Byrds Dunklin 1895-1916
Byrnesville Jefferson 1875-1907
Byron Atchison 1855-1856
Byron Maries 1860-1864
Byron Osage 1860, 1864-1920
Byron Osage 1864-1920

632 Post Offices entered in the letter “B”

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Updated on 27 Nov 2009 23:28:48.

This page, and all contents are Copyright © MCMXCIX-MMIX by
Missouri Postal History Society, St. Louis, Missouri.